Copyright © Hrvatski hidrografski institut-Split

A serious partner for serious business

Geomar is a geodetic and hydrographic company that was founded in 1997. IN I will take it three employees, graduated engineers in geodesy, are employed. With the help of modern equipment and instrumentation, successfully for many years we perform various geodetic and hydrographic work, so we have references in the field of engineering geodesy, cadastre, hydrography and marine geodesy.

The company GEOmar d.o.o. has the Decision of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure for the performance hydrographic activities.


Using the most modern instruments and equipment and combining various methods of geodetic measurement we please to the requirements of accuracy and reliability of measurements for all types of jobs in the field of geodesy and hydrography. Geodetic we perform measurements with satellite systems (GNSS) using state CROPOS VPPS licenses high-precision service positioning as well as electronic measuring stations, levelers and other standard geodetic equipment equipment. For hydrographic measurement, we have an integrated system consisting of a multi-beam depth gauge (multibeam) and inertial system of the latest generation, which ensures high precision of collected data and principle "complete searches of the seabed" prescribed by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO; Special order S-44). All the instrumentation is calibrated and regularly serviced by the manufacturer and authorized services.


From precise and reliable measurements to quality results. Measurement data processed by licensed by computer programs by our geodetic experts turn them into the final product of geodetic or hydrographic measurements – elaborations for various purposes, the constituent parts of which are geodetic and hydrographic situational plans, 3D models, terrain sections and calculations that our clients use in the planning and design process, construction and of use permits or in the scope of construction supervision during construction. In short, behind quality project some buildings have a precise and comprehensive geodetic foundation, and behind them are quality-built buildings stands reliably geodetic staking, construction monitoring and geodetic supervision, which we prove with our reference list, that is, by a string successfully implemented projects in which we participated.


During the past 23 years, the GEOmar company has performed a whole series of works in the field of engineering geodesy, cadastre and hydrography.

Our geodetic references are for the most part quality work in the field of construction infrastructure and that from recording and creating geodetic bases for designing, staking out buildings and monitoring construction, jobs geodetic supervision up to the recording and preparation of the report of the derived condition. For every construction we are followed we created and the corresponding cadastral documents that form the construction plots and record the construction objects. Done we have a large number of geodetic supervision jobs in the construction of sewerage and water supply systems as well as road construction (GEODESY REFERENCES).

For the past 15 years or so, we have been successfully working on hydrographic activities for investors in the field of construction maritime infrastructure and users of concessions on the maritime domain such as nautical tourism ports or mariculture (REFERENCES HYDROGRAPHY). Modern design of maritime buildings and infrastructure today demands quality made substrates and 3D models of the seabed created on the basis of multi-beam depth sounder imaging. We have experience in jobs that are not part of common geodetic practice such as the guidance of a ship - layer of submarine installations or detection existing installations on the seabed