Copyright © Hrvatski hidrografski institut-Split

Hydrographic surveys and creation of bases for designing

A necessary part of the design documentation process for all marine buildings and infrastructure is the hydrographic survey of the area covered by the intervention and the creation of the necessary design bases. The images usually consist of a geodetic image of the land part of the project and a hydrographic image of the underwater part of the structure. The bases that are made after the survey are certified in separate procedures (the real estate cadastre for the land part and the Croatian Hydrographic Institute for the underwater part) and are used as such in the preparation of project documentation.

Legal framework: Pursuant to the Maritime Code (OG 181/04, 76/07, 146/08, 61/11, 56/13, 26/15, 17/19), article 54.a, paragraph 7, all spatial planning acts for interventions in space, which refer to interventions in the area of ​​the coast, internal sea waters, territorial sea and continental shelf of the Republic of Croatia, must contain and be based on official hydrographic and oceanological data (certified hydrographic survey reports).

Geodetsko-hidrografski batimetrijski nacrt stvarnog stanja luke Bol
Geodetic-hydrographic bathymetric drawing of the actual condition of the port of Bol (island Brač) for the purpose of design (part of the study)