Copyright © Hrvatski hidrografski institut-Split

Hydrographic equipment and instrumentation

GPS and GNSS positioning systems

DGPS CRESCENT HEMISPHERE VS 110 vector-system of submeter accuracy with two receivers and EGNOS corrections that enable the determination of the direction angle (course) in real time.

DGPS TRIMBLE DMS 132 submeter accuracy system with 2 receivers: possibility of receiving corrections via base-rover with UHF connection or via EGNOS or OMNISTAR satellite corrections.

RTK APPLANIX POS MV WAVEMASTER is a precise centimeter accuracy system, consisting of two Trimble GNSS receivers, an inertial navigation unit (INS) and a processor for receiving and processing data. The position is obtained via the GNSS receiver using the CROPOS VPPS service. The INS consists of three accelerometers and three gyroscopes that monitor all the relative movements of the vessel and combine them with GNSS data, which provides a solution to the position of the transmitter and receiver of the depth gauge with minimal errors. This system is exclusively used when measuring with a hydrographic multibeam depth gauge (multibeam).

Hydrographic depth gauges

Teledyne RESON model SeaBat T20-P multibeam depth gauge consists of a transmitter of sound waves, a receiver, a probe for measuring the speed of sound and a processor. The first three listed components are located below sea level on a unique housing. The vessel has a processing unit for receiving and processing data (PSP – Portable Sonar Processor). This is a system of the latest generation that meets the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization for hydrographic surveying (IHO, Special order S-44; link: IHO Standard). In addition to the data of the measured depths, a high-quality display of the panoramic depth sounder (SSS) is obtained.

Geological structural depth gauge

For the geological survey of the seabed, we use the parametric geological structural depth gauge Innomar SES-2000 light (eng. sub-bottom profiler, SBP). The SBP consists of a main unit (transceiver) located on the ship and a transmitter (transducer) attached to an aluminum support on the side of the ship and partially located below sea level. Geological depth sounder makes it possible to make acoustic profiles through the sediments of the sea, which makes visible layers of various sediments or objects on the surface or below it.

During underwater recording, two low frequencies (6 and 10 kHz) are mainly used. By using a parametric geological depth gauge, i.e. by combining low frequencies, a high frequency is obtained, where a lower frequency enables better penetration into the subsurface, while a higher one gives a better bathymetric reflection.

This device was purchased using a financial instrument: ESIF Small investment loan through the Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO).

Geodetska oprema i instrumentarij


Geodetske mjerne stanice i instrumenti

STONEX RWPlus – elektronska laserska mjerna stanica točnosti mjerenja kuteva 2″, a dužina +/- (2mm+/-2ppm x D)

SOKKIA – SET 3030 R3 – elektronska laserska mjerna stanica točnosti mjerenja kuteva 3″, a dužina +/- (2mm+/-2ppm x D)

SOKKIA – SET 6F – elektronska mjerna stanica točnosti mjerenja kuteva 5″, a dužina +/- (5mm+/-3ppm x D), sa vanjskom memorijom i računalom SDR 31

SOKKIA C3 – nivelir točnosti +/- 2mm po 1km


STONEX S9 III- RTK – GNSS (CROPOS SUSTAV), 2 prijamnika; dvofrekventni satelitski sustav za kinematiku VPPS/GPPS točnost (mogućnost rada baza-rover preko UHF veze)

TOPCON Hiper Pro – RTK – GNSS (CROPOS SUSTAV), 2 prijamnika; dvofrekventni satelitski sustav za kinematiku VPPS/GPPS točnost (mogućnost rada baza-rover preko UHF veze)